Commission Waiting List


  • Gilded-Silverfox
  • Syn
  • YCH-auction piece

List of DO’s and DON’T’s

General pricing:

  • $65 for 1st character ($52 extra for subsequent characters)
  • SFW pictures are eligible for $5 discount
  • +10 – 20% on price if a character does not have a reference
  • Background prices on a case-by-case basis
  • Very complex character designs/patterns/outfits etc. may increase price

Be aware that I usually tackle one commission at a time.
If your turn comes up, but you are not in a position to commission at that time, you may ask to let the next commissioner cut in line without losing your spot (NOTE: This applies if you communicate this in a timely manner)

I keep the right to refuse a commission if I don’t like it – if I can’t even look at it, no way am I going to spend hours drawing it.
Thank you for understanding.